Class of 79 Reunion Photo
The Brads.... Brad Cookson and Brad Hall
Group Photo at Toad's
Rulon Eames
Frosty and his kids
Betty and Diane
Lynn Rowley and Sharon Kendall
Roger Cooper Brad Howell Bruce Finch
Paula Smith Rentmeister
Bruce Thorpe
Waiting for the picture
Brent Carling and daughter
Heidi, & Laurel
Peggy, Gary, Karen, Brooke
What a good looking bunch!
Blake Udink Williams
Marilyn Linford
Someone was playing with my camera while I was on the go-carts.....
Brad Cookson and Gary Toyn (with a Brad Cookson nametag)
Laurel Moyes and Mike Grange
Mike Grange and Dan Wright
Julayne, Sherese,Stephanie, Laurel, Teri
Lynn Knight and Mike Grange
Mike, Stephanie, Colleen, Laurel and Lynn
Nancy Shaw Shupe, Sherie Eager Charlesworth, Ellen Ward
Ellen, Melany, Sherie, Jill, & Marcy
(Click on an image to view at full size.)